sustainable sourcing resources

Resources and ideas for chefs, farmers and producers

Join Slow Food Austin, read Edible Austin, attend food and farm community networking events such as Slow Food Austin’s Slow Sessions.

Sources of raw milk for in-house cheese making: and

Publications on

* “Seafood Solutions: A Chef’s Guide to Sourcing Sustainable Seafood”
* “Five Tips for Managing Food Costs When Running a Sustainable Kitchen”
* “Pork Report: Whole Hog Sustainability”

Other guides:

* “Sourcing Seafood: A Professional’s Guide to Procuring Ocean-Friendly Fish and Shellfish” from Seafood Choices Alliance:
* The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch

Connect with others who are sourcing sustainable products. When restaurants share in volume, such as purchasing an entire cow/pig, direct sales become more viable for the producers. Learn how to utilize the entire animal, not just the most popular cuts (e.g., bacon, tenderloin, etc.) Farms and butchers like Jesse Griffiths provide processing classes.

Neighboring farmers can group together and take turns on deliveries, but chefs also need to make an effort to get to the farms- that’s the beauty of buying locally.

Establish a relationship with a farmer. Visit the farm, learn what’s available, commit to purchasing a certain quantity/item. Most farmers will plant/raise preferred flavors if purchase is assured.

Every chef should spend some time working on a farm, and every farmer should work in a kitchen. Spend a day or two in each others shoes.